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Welcome to the Aero Kinetics web site!
Have you ever wanted to try trampolining?
Its a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time.
We cater for all levels of ability from beginners to improvers to competition standard.

Trampolining is a fun activity for all ages!
T errific twisting
R ebound jumping
A erodynamic
M emory motivating
P erformance promoting
O lympic bouncing
L ivley learning
I nspirational
N on stop challenging
E xhilarating fun!
Visitors to site

A sport to promote health!
Trampolining is a good all round sport which improves stamina, agility, body strength, body awareness, concentration,
self confidence, self discipline,
and above all is enjoyable!

Aero Kinetics also specialises in children with special needs. Qualified trampolining coach Ann Gladders is also a qualified paediatric physiotherapist with an interest
in using trampolining as a fun therapy to
help children improve mobility and
co ordination.

Flying High
Katharine demonstrating a straddle jump.
Interested in having a go - click here to email Ann with your details.